Selasa, 29 Januari 2019

Miracles always exist,-The Story of the Miraculous Tanjung Lesung Container Resort Save 1 Family from the Tsunami

The tsunami that occurred in the Sunda Strait devastated the Tanjung Lesung tourist attraction. But of the many damaged buildings, there is one hotel building with the concept of a container in Tanjung Lesung, which is safe from the tsunami.

Even from some of the people in it, they all survived. Because, when the tsunami arrived, the container inn actually only shifted a few meters from the original place.
PT Jababeka President Director Setyono Djuandi Darmono said that seeing the incident, his party would focus on lodging in Tanjung Lesung which is in Jababeka management to lodging with the concept of containers. Because lodging with the concept of containers is quite safe for resorts that are close to the sea because of their heavy size.

But that does not mean he ignores lodging with other concepts. There will still be lodging with a different concept, but when there is a tsunami disaster, it will come to be focused so that the gathering points can be in containers.

"Containers are very good rooms for resorts close to the beach because they look like boats," he said at a press conference at Wisma Batavia, Jakarta,
Meanwhile PT Banten West Java's Managing Director Tourisme Development Poernomo Siswoprasetijo said, when the tsunami occurred there was one family who took refuge in a container. The magic of those in the container survived all of them.
Even though at that time, the container had indeed been pushed a few meters. But after the sea water receded, the container returned to its original place.

"Yesterday's experience, the time was short, people could run into the container, locked from the inside. The family had a mother, two children, her husband climbed on top of it. Kebawa for a while, she held the container. Because it was heavy, it didn't slide away, still on the beach , "he explained.
Poernomo added, for the container accommodation available in Tanjung Lesung alone there were around four units. Each container can be filled by two to three people inside.

"It has been six months ago we set up and there are indeed many devotees," he said.

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