Sabtu, 29 Desember 2018

After the Lombok and Palu earthquakes, this is an Indonesian earthquake resistant house that is suitable in the tropics

The series of Lombok earthquakes that have occurred consecutively since July 29, 2018 is one of the biggest natural disasters after the tsunami in Aceh in 2006.

It was recorded that 555 people were killed and thousands of other people were injured. They are generally hit by buildings that are not earthquake resistant so they do not meet safety standards. Those who survived, approached 400. Oho, people live in refugees to avoid hundreds of aftershocks.

Material damage due to the earthquake with the 7th largest power on the Richter scale was also very large.

Approximately 80,528 houses were heavily damaged and lightly damaged, and hundreds of government buildings and schools were in ruins. The estimated value of the total loss has reached Rp. 7.45 trillion, so the government must also provide a substantial improvement budget. At present the budget allocated is 4 trillion rupiah.

The government's main priority through the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing is the program of building houses for residents. At present the target is recorded at around 11,000 houses, the implementation of which will begin on September 1, 2018 later.

To realize the program, the government scheduled the construction of the Simple and Healthy Instant House, abbreviated as RISHA. The house is claimed by the Ministry of Public Works and Housing as a model of earthquake-resistant houses up to 8 on the Richter scale, so it's ready to survive in anticipating the same disaster in the future.

The superiority of the RISHA model house

RISHA is a construction technology product with a knock-down concept from the results of the Research and Development Center for Settlement since 2004.

This concept was developed based on Indonesia's geographical conditions which are prone to disasters, especially earthquakes.

In addition, demographic and economic factors are also considered, namely the number of poor people who have not been able to fulfill one of the primary needs, namely the board (house).

The main target of implementing this model of home is low-income communities and post-disaster refugee housing.

The model of the house is made using a pre-fabrication system, that is, the components are printed before being assembled like lego toys. Using this concept, the instant word is attached to RISHA.

However, that does not mean the house is not quality. There are certain standards that must be met by each constituent component, so that the final results meet SNI, the Indonesian National Standard.

RISHA as a home model that can be mass-produced has many advantages, including the following.
Hurry up

The construction of the house type RISHA model house has grown, only takes 9 hours with a workforce of just 3 people. The process of making components and assemblies is separate, but each requires a much shorter time than conventional methods.


The cost of one unit of RISHA type 36 only requires a budget of Rp 50 million, even the concept of Indocement RISHA can be only 35 million.

Environmentally friendly

The results of the Research Center for Settlement Research show that the wood consumption in RISHA model houses is the lowest compared to other models. So that the construction on a large scale to meet the needs of the population will not overload the natural forests.

The comparison for various types of houses: RISHA consumes 1.62 cubic meters of wood, while the wall houses are 3.13, and half-wall houses are 3.56.

Earthquake resistance, strong

In laboratory tests and field tests, RISHA showed reliability to withstand earthquake loads up to zoning area 6, namely the highest earthquake risk areas in Indonesia. In addition, the use of reinforced concrete materials makes it resistant to wind, heat and rain.

Movable / knock down

RISHA requires components that are divided into 3 categories: structural components, filler components, and utility components. By using the knock-down concept all components can be assembled as needed.


Each module or component in making RISHA has a maximum weight of only 50 kg.

Aesthetic modification

Despite adopting a knock-down concept, RISHA can also be modified or adopted local potential such as the characteristics of regional traditional houses. Its flexibility lies in the possibility of becoming a growing house, both vertical (2 floors) and horizontal. In addition, it is also possible to make larger buildings, such as offices, clinics, schools, or markets.
With a series of advantages and features possessed, RISHA is suitable to be applied as part of disaster awareness culture in Indonesia which is in the area known as the ring of fire. In the Indonesian region there are 127 active volcanoes, and at the same time it is a meeting of 3 earth plates that move with each other, namely: the Eurasian, Indo-Australian and Pacific plates.

In addition to the threat of disasters, the big problem facing the government is the backlog - deficiencies that must be met - housing.

The number of houses that must be available to residents is currently quite large, which is around 11.3 million housing units (other data said in 2015 there were 7.6 million). To help low-income people, from an economic perspective, RISHA is also quite affordable.

Research and innovation must continue, both upstream and downstream by involving the collaboration of relevant ministries, universities, SMEs, and financial institutions.

Upstream research is related to materials and component manufacturing techniques. At this level researchers are expected to create building components that are stronger, cheaper, but still environmentally friendly. It is also possible to process up-grading of existing buildings, from earthquake-resistant conditions to earthquake resistance.

While in the downstream that is related to its application in the field, involving consumer users and financial institutions. Relief breakthrough schemes must be available so that more prosperous residents can start to buy or build houses independently

Hopefully RISHA can realize the desires of some of us who want to have a safe and livable house.

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