Senin, 17 Desember 2018

The best solution, for earthquake-prone areas, Containers

Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), was rocked by an earthquake with magnitude 7 that occurred on Sunday (08/08/2018). The large earthquake affected buildings and local residents and tourists who were there. Victims are generally the result of the collapse of a house. One of the causes of the earthquake damage in Lombok is due to the condition of building structures that do not meet earthquake safety standards.
In earthquake-prone countries that have often experienced earthquakes such as Japan, maybe the victims will not be so much more than the victims caused by collapsed buildings. Japan already has standards for earthquake resistant buildings such as living quarters and office buildings.

One alternative that can be used as a place to live such as earthquake resistant houses is containers, which in the last 10 years have been on the rise and have been widely used to build houses in several countries. Alibaba has sold many finished container houses.
The trend of using containers for buildings has long emerged. Originally containers or containers were used as temporary workplaces on projects or field work. Containers were also easily formed as needed. However, with the rise of container-based buildings, the question arises as to whether containers are safe to use as houses. Quoted from the compass, According to the Director of Marketing of PT Nebil Wong Group or Nabil Yusuf, houses or buildings made from containers are safe as residences. "Safe. Even anti-cracking and earthquake. For earthquake shocks it is stronger, if traditional buildings are cracked and collapsed, if this is just a sway, the building is also more awake because it is not cracked, "said Nabil

Here are some houses made of containers:
The owner of a container house also does not need to worry about the building being leaked or eaten by termites. Even if cared for properly, containers can last up to 50 years. Using containers means making heat well delivered. During a hot day, metals easily absorb the sun's heat and increase the temperature of the room
For this reason, container buildings must be added with insulation to reduce these effects. Use glasswool
New gypsum coatings, plywood, or melamine are given according to consumer needs. Given a live wallpaper, it's comfortable to stay. Oh yeah ... container houses are also easy to move around.

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