Sabtu, 29 Desember 2018

Learn from Japan in 1000 disasters, mitigate ways to deal with disasters

Indonesia is one of the earthquake prone countries. Indonesia stands at the confluence of tectonic plates which have caused the country to be on the path of the earthquake.

Like Indonesia, Japan is also an earthquake-prone region. For people who live in the land of Sakura, a small earthquake seems like a daily friend. In fact several times experienced a large earthquake, one of which occurred in 2011 with a strength of 8.9 on the Richter scale (SR).
To minimize the damage caused by the earthquake, Japan took steps to prepare itself before the earthquake occurred. The following steps are taken as reported from the Jpninfo page, Tuesday (08/08/2018).

1. Earthquake resistant house

In Japan, all buildings to be built must follow the rules set by the government. The building that is made must meet two conditions, namely the building is guaranteed not to collapse due to earthquakes in the next 100 years and is guaranteed not to be damaged in 10 years of development.

In addition, all materials used for construction must follow the strict rules of the authorities.

2. Earthquake warning system

All cellphones in Japan have an earthquake / tsunami warning system installed. This system will give a warning about 5 to 10 seconds before the disaster occurs, the warning will also give additional time to escape to a safe place or take shelter under the table.

While on the coast more likely to cause a tsunami, Japan built a warning system about 5-10 minutes before the tsunami arrived.
3. Integrated disaster prevention system

To reduce the impact of damage from natural disasters, the Japanese government provides extensive guidance on how to survive during an earthquake or tsunami. Japan has built an emergency system when a major disaster occurred at the refugee camp

Then, every citizen there prepares an emergency backpack to store important things such as flashlights, medicines, food, blankets and more to survive for three days to 1 week.

4. Increase knowledge against disaster

The Japanese government also focuses on increasing its citizens' knowledge of the earthquake and tsunami Regular disaster simulation training is held.

Disaster simulation has begun to be taught since kindergarten and school students and other young people. Japanese citizens are taught not to panic when a disaster strikes, to run away regularly and not in a hurry.

5. Turn off the gas

Housewives in Japan have an important role in preventing disasters. Because earthquakes are likely to affect gas pipelines that can trigger explosions and fires, every time an earthquake occurs housewives are trained to immediately rush to the kitchen to turn off the gas (and electricity if necessary).

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