Selasa, 25 Desember 2018

Story of a Tsunami Resistant Container Hotel in Tanjung Lesung Resort on Mount Krakatau Indonesia

Story of a Tsunami Resistant Container Hotel at Tanjung Lesung Resort
The Tanjung Lesung Resort area has been affected by the Sunda Strait tsunami on Saturday (12/22). From the disaster, there were stories of tsunami-resistant container hotels that managed to save tourists.

The Sunda Strait tsunami that hit the Tanjung Lesung Resort area on Saturday (12/22) left a story about a container-shaped inn which turned out to be resistant to the tsunami waves. This story was told by Purnomo Siswoprasetjo, President Director of PT Banten West Java as the manager of the Tanjung Lesung Resort area.

"Yesterday's experience was a tsunami, the time was short, people could run into the container, locked from the inside. The family had mothers and 2 children, and her husband rose above the container, (they) survived," Purnomo told the President Lounge , Menara Batavia Jakarta, Monday (12/24/2018).

According to Purnomo, the heavy weight of the container made the family safe from the tsunami. Although it had crashed, the container was not carried away from its original location.

"Yes, it was flowing, but he (the husband) held the hold safely. He was pushing again but because he was heavy, pulling again was not far away. Still in the area (beach)," Purnomo explained.

In the future, this container-shaped hotel will be developed again in the Tanjung Lesung Resort Area. Currently there are 4 container units, the plan is to add 10-12 containers.

"We happen to have 4 container units. What we plan to develop will be container hotels. Maybe we will prepare 10-12 units, but yesterday we will only build 4," Purnomo added.

This container-shaped inn can be for 2-3 people. Since it was set up 6 months ago, it turned out that there were quite a lot of people, especially families. The location itself is in the Beach Club area, behind it is Camping Ground. About the price, this inn is 50% cheaper than the price of a cottage room.

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